See what our customers say

“Everyday I am so grateful that there is a product like yours out there. Rapp-it Pipe Repair Bandages are quick and easy to apply and we believe that once dried they are more effective than the pipes we use for this job. I am always happy with the outcome this product produces, it really makes my job so much easier. I really don’t know what we’d do without you guys!” Jake J.,
Western Australia






“Upon return to service of the pipe no leakage was detected and the water main line has remained in service allowing us to now long term budget plan replacement of this section instead of an unplanned budget cost and replacement. Really happy with the performance and highly recommend the product to all manufacturing industries for usage in breakdown situations maintaining  production.” Danny Tomlin,
Hydro Tasmania





testimonials-1“We have been using Rapp-it Pipe Repair Bandage for leakage applications for the past four years. It has been extremely reliable with regards to pipe repairs. Approximately $20,000 annually are saved on costly downtime”.  Russell Wiltshire, Supply Supervisor BHP Billiton





“No Rapp-it no plant” Allan S. Nickel Processing Plant, WA


testimonials-2“Our processing plant utilises nine different chemical baths and over 40 recirculating fluid systems that together have over forty kilometres of piping systems in Cast Steel, Stainless Steel, PVC and ABS plastics. Our mechanical department have been using Rapp-it bandages for a number of years with almost perfect results on all our piping systems and chemicals. We have literally had situations where $100,000 worth of downtime was averted by a small foil package.”  Wayne Raisback, Bluescope Steel, Port Kembla, NSW



“There is more Rapp-it than steel in my plant” Dave M. Base and Precious Metals Mine, WA


testimonials-3“I work in a Coal Preparation Plant in Middlemount, Queensland. Pipes are hard wearing and we patch them with Rapp-it Bandages regularly. They do an excellent job stopping the bad leaks until we shut down for a maintenance day to repair or replace.”  Edward G. Coal Preparation Plan, QLD






“Rapp-it is the Panadol for the Maintenance Managers, it cures most headaches” Monty L. Coal Mine, Bowen Basin, QLD


testimonials-4“During a Saturday night shift a pipe bridge was damaged after it had been struck by a tip truck. The structure was secured into position by chain blocks but the 200mm spiral wound stainless pipe had been kinked and was pouring liquor onto the ground. This liquor is an environmental hazard and had to be stopped from getting into nearby stormwater drain. To call a boilermaker in would take time and cost money and as well as production down time. With the use of two 100mm Fibreglass bandages along with the steel putty the pipe was repaired and put back into service 45 minutes later. Great product which got us out of trouble again.”  Paul S. Pulp & Paper Mill, VIC

“If Rapp-it went off the market we would have to close the day after” Matt B. Aluminium Smelter, QLD


testimonials-5“This is a tailings line out to the thickeners discharge. We placed 6 Rapp-it bandages on the pipe which resulted in a positive seal – no leaks.” Lisa D. Nickel Plant, WA





“We love it!” Paul F. Sugar Mill, QLD


testimonials-6“Rapp-it Pipe Repair Bandages have been on some pipes for more than two years and are still going strong. Even in a difficult spot, Rapp-it still does the job!” Michael J. Fly Ash Handling System, QLD






testimonials-7“This repair is on a mixture manifold at a concrete batching plant. The mixture manifold had a hole on the underside and a hole around the socket. We used Rapp-it Steel Putty and Rapp-it Pipe Repair Bandages to carry out this repair” Shayne I. Concrete Batching Plant





testimonials-8“Rapp-it Repairs have saved down time on the Paper Machine until permanent repair can be done on a shut down.” Shayne B. Pulp and Paper Mill, VIC





“The first thing I did as Maintenance Manager was put Rapp-it onsite” Glenn D. Iron Ore Mine, Pilbara, WA


testimonials-9“We had three plastic valves that had high water pressure behind them. We struggled to get a good seal as the plastic was deforming however Rapp-it fixed that!” Callum O. Cleaning Manufacturers, VIC





testimonials-10“In the mining industry it is imperative to minimise down time. Rapp-it bandages allow us to fix any leaks on the run. Once set, they can hold shape and last many months on rusted surfaces. Rapp-it is the perfect solution to keep our plant at maximum production.” Michael S. Coal Plant, QLD

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